IFSP First Steps - The Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS) made this guide to help families understand resources, supports, and services that the Commonwealth of Virginia offers to people with developmental disabilities.
DMAS - Department of Medical Assistance - The Medicaid waivers are home and community based programs offering supports and services to an individual with a long-term care need or developmental disability who meets criteria for Medicaid eligibility (both children and adults).Waiver services differ based on individual need and program criteria met. There is NO wait list for the CCC Plus waiver.
Resources for Families - Search for local services, tips and answers. Individual and Family Support Program (IFSP) to help families and individuals with developmental disabilities find supports and to connect with other families.
www.mylifemycommunityvirginia.org/taxonomy/mlmc-menu-zone/resources-families DBHDS - The Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services supports individuals by promoting recovery, self-determination, and wellness in all aspects of life.
The ARC -The Arc promotes and protects the human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and actively supports their full inclusion and participation in the community throughout their lifetimes. find your local chapter.
The ARC of Nova You Tube Channel - These videos are a collection of webinars, meetings, testimonies, and events that compose the advocacy and education activities of The Arc of Northern Virginia. |